Who is Mille Fleurs?
Mille Fleurs Apiculture Consumer and Worker Co-Operative Society Limited is a member-based organization representing beekeepers and all other relevant stakeholders within in apiculture industry in St. Lucia.
We work with educators, beekeepers, vendors, and other key stakeholders interested in the promotion of St. Lucia beekeeping and St. Lucia’s HONEY.
Our mission is to assist both small-scale and commercial beekeepers through education, promotion, resources, and collaboration.
To be a member of Mille Fleurs you must be (16) years and older.
Mille Fleurs lifetime membership cost is $140.00 xcd
To make a decision members are entitled to vote to determine the direction of the co-operative.
To gain training on beekeeping, including Start-up/Apprenticeship/Mentorship.
Connect with beekeepers and associations locally and internationally.
Work to protect and assure the quality of honey in the market.
The ability to sell honey directly to Mille Fleur.
Discounts on selected items from our retail store.
To participate in both local and regional research programs.
To be part of the export of our local unique St.Lucian honey.
Mille Fleurs has the ability to process over 600 gallons of honey daily at our Dennery facility. We also have the ability the package, market and distribute our product islandwide.